April 20, 2022

Announcing the new Expert Talk : Podcast Series that'll delight your ears

I’m happy to announce we are releasing a new show that we call Expert Talk! In this show, we’ll dive deep into the minds of cybersecurity strategists, threat researchers, and others to demystify the market and open a dialogue between you and your customers and prospects. We’ll share great insights on the latest security threats, cybercrime cartels, defensive best practices, and more!    

I’m happy to announce we are releasing a new show that we call Expert Talk!

In this show, we’ll dive deep into the minds of cybersecurity strategists, threat researchers, and others to demystify the market and open a dialogue between you and your customers and prospects. We’ll share great insights on the latest security threats, cybercrime cartels, defensive best practices, and more!

This show will be released as a podcast. Our goal is to release this show monthly, featuring different cyber strategists and topics each month. We wanted to have fun with this show, so you’ll enjoy that it’s a bit more informal than other shows you’ve heard about. I think you’ll like it.

The Expert Talk will be available on Tech Zone under Start > Security Resources> Expert Talk. Bookmark this page to stay tuned.

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Dominic Rinaldi, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Security at VMware, is doing an outstanding job hosting his own investing podcast for fun DOMinating Your Investments! He's so cool, I am sure you'll love hearing from him! He's one of my favorites!

In our first show, we discuss Understanding the CISO’s Perspective on Security with Karen Worstell! Karen Worstell is a  Sr. Cybersecurity Strategist and Howler for VMware. She's well known today for her work as a CISO for iconic brands such as Russell Investments, Microsoft, and AT&T Wireless. She is one of the pioneer leaders of all aspects of information and internet security serving in research and consulting roles at Boeing Research and Technology, SRI International, NIST, Aerospace Industries Association, US Department of Commerce Computer Systems Security and Privacy Advisory Board, and multiple standards bodies.

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You can follow Karen on Twitter HERE! Follow her Hero Page on Tech Zone to read all her great articles : 

You won’t want to miss the first episode of Expert Talk: Podcast Series! LISTEN IN!

Podcast: Expert Talk - Podcast Series #1 - Understanding the CISO’s Perspective on Security with Karen Worstell


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